“Strategy” has become a buzzword that consumes big portion of our daily sales conversation...read more
Nespresso is an espresso coffee-making machine consisting of a coffee capsule and a machine...read more
A scientific way to go the extra step in assessing our sales performance. It’s December, a month when sales managers rush into motivating, helping, and pushing their sales team to achieve their targets, with an eye towards the end of year bonus. I’m not saying this is wrong, this is what sales managers must do […]
What advantages does it have on the macro and micro level? Jack Welch, GE CEO [1981-2006], in his book “WINNING”, structured and assessed employees as, 20% are top performers, 70% are the middle, and 10% are the bottom ones. Then he insisted on the “act” part asking managers to act according to this categorization. […]