In today’s time, the need for adopting the “Sales Enablement” methodology or “best practice” is more
In conjunction with the above, HEED has recently participated in the Sales 2.0 Conference – San Francisco, more
The cost of selling has increased significantly over the decade. Firms are trying to use more
How to benefit from your sales data “Analysts spend much of their time preparing data for more
The old generation are true leaders ,our teachers, they don’t retire they might just miss their classes. That day was hard, different, I couldn’t even remember why I decided to take this entrepreneurial journey. All things conspired to remind me of my fears and weaknesses I put down while preparing the SWOT analysis, just to […]
The science behind solving, developing and building a scalable predictable sales growth In such never ending situations, the civil war, Israeli bombardments, economic and financial crisis, and today the Arab Spring, our friends would back us up saying “maintaining your sales numbers would be good enough.” But ask thousands of entrepreneurs, general managers, sales managers […]
A scientific way to go the extra step in assessing our sales performance. It’s December, a month when sales managers rush into motivating, helping, and pushing their sales team to achieve their targets, with an eye towards the end of year bonus. I’m not saying this is wrong, this is what sales managers must do […]
Why Not the Sales Training & how to properly prepare for our Sales Plan I’m not old, and still throughout my experience as an IT solution provider, I have practiced the old traditional way of selling. We used to depart the office in the morning, and hopefully return in the afternoon with a sort of set […]
What advantages does it have on the macro and micro level? Jack Welch, GE CEO [1981-2006], in his book “WINNING”, structured and assessed employees as, 20% are top performers, 70% are the middle, and 10% are the bottom ones. Then he insisted on the “act” part asking managers to act according to this categorization. […]