Why It is Important to have a Dedicated Sales Ops Effectiveness Department When Xerox first established...read more
As Marlon Brando said in an interview for a rare show on June 12, 1973 after the height of his Godfather majesty, “There was no difference between what I do on-screen and what all of us do every day. The difference is I do it as a profession.” The same applies to sales. “Living life […]
What advantages does it have on the macro and micro level? Jack Welch, GE CEO [1981-2006], in his book “WINNING”, structured and assessed employees as, 20% are top performers, 70% are the middle, and 10% are the bottom ones. Then he insisted on the “act” part asking managers to act according to this categorization. […]
What are the root causes behind the difficulty in allocating good sales people and what capabilities organizations are left with? Seven years ago, with few humble years of experience in my pocket, I was suited and booted, sitting among thirty or forty other refined and well carried sales candidates with my heart beating fast. It […]
What organizations face from following a non-scientific structured approach on strategic and tactical basis. In bicycle-racing, keen teams match their strategies to the phases of the race. In the time trials, a few team members maintain steady speeds over long distances to lower the team’s average finishing time, others might end up pedaling fast to […]